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Feature request - Defer-Write setting to 0 (zero) sec

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:12 pm
by tverweij
I'd like to have a defer-write with the latency set to zero.

This way, as soon as an application starts writing, Primo cache starts writing. The cache itself is reduced to a caching buffer; the application writes to the cache that is lots faster than the disk while the cache tries to write everything as soon as possible to disk.

The pro's:
- The data is written as soon as possible, reducing the chance on data loss
- The data is still written at memory speed
- The written data is still cached - if it tries to read back what it just wrote, it will read it from the cache.
- The cache is written earlier, reducing the chance of the need of urgent writes

The con's: none that I can think of.

Re: Feature request - Defer-Write setting to 0 (zero) sec

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:15 am
by Support
We will consider this. Currently 0 means turning off Defer-Write, so maybe another write-mode instead.
Thank you for your suggestion.