IM Reservation with two NVS 290 cards

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IM Reservation with two NVS 290 cards

Post by luke123 »

Using VSuite Ramdisk on a PC running 32-bit WinXP Pro and 4GB RAM with a motherboard with Intel X38 chipset and two (not one) Nvidia NVS 290 display cards (each with 256MB memory), can someone explain if "IM Reservation" has to be enabled to avoid conflict with the Nvidia video drivers? If so, what should the setting be?

Thanks in advance!
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IM Reservation with two NVS 290 cards

Post by luke123 »

Using VSuite Ramdisk on a PC running 32-bit WinXP Pro and 4GB RAM with a motherboard with Intel X38 chipset and two (not one) Nvidia NVS 290 display cards (each with 256MB memory), can someone explain if "IM Reservation" has to be enabled to avoid conflict with the Nvidia video drivers? If so, what should the setting be?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: IM Reservation with two NVS 290 cards

Post by Support »

Hi luke123,

Regarding IM Reservation, you may refer to ... serve.html

This feature provides an option in case IM feature conflicts with other drivers. Normally the conflict occurrs with on-board video adapter and Frame Buffer Location (or similar setting) is set to "Above 4G" in BIOS.

Normally independent video adapters use their own video ram, in such cases IM Reservation is not needed at all. But it is possible that some video drivers for these independent video adapters are also programmed to use the system ram located in OS invisable range as an enhanced technology for their independent adapters. Then in this case IM Reservation may be needed to avoid possible conflict.

We are sorry that because there're a lot of types and models of video adapters, as well as video driver, we can't make a confirm answer for your specific adapter. If you are willing to try, you may not enable IM Reservation at first. (because your video adapters are independent adapters, normally IM Reservation is not needed.) And If you find some strange display issue during long running, for eg. black bar/block, screen mess, you may try IM Reservation.
Or you may check your BIOS settings at first if there're options regarding to share video memory and option values similar to "Above 4G".
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Re: IM Reservation with two NVS 290 cards

Post by luke123 »


Thanks for your detailed reply, which is very helpful.

Based on your suggestion, I've started to run VSuite ramdisk on my PC without IM Reservation. So far, so good (knock on wood!).

Thanks for your assistance.
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