New Feature(s) Request

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New Features

Permanent/Persistent Allocation
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In-Depth Data Readouts
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Separate Process
OpenCL Hashing
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Total votes: 5

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New Feature(s) Request

Post by cenreyn79 »

Hi. I have looked through the forums a few times but havent been able to find a new features request thread. So i thought id start one. I had a few things on my mind but i cant remember but two of them at the moment.

1: Permanent/Persistent Allocation
It would be nice to include another form that has a list of files which i would want to have permanent allocations regardless of the chosen "general allocation amount." (See Recommendation 2). This would be accompanied with Deferred-Write times that are file/folder dependent. Also, there shoud be a read threshold option available to prevent cache stuffing with irrelevant data. By the same token another feature is included to PREVENT caching of particular files such as those containing known viruses, etc (See Suggestion 6) I think this would reduce the general RAM usage in that it would not require large caches and persistent file bumping to reallocate cache space on RAM-limited systems and serve to increase the general security of the operating system.

2: In-Depth Cache Data Reports ("Persistent Data Retention")
The numbers read-out is great...except for the relative nature of the readout form, which resets each time the form is closed. Im including a roughed out photoshopped jpeg that shows the layout from my brain (however rotten). The basic layout includes a large, wide, detailed, list of all files. Each file/folder selected will have another of other checkboxes / input boxes to accompany the varying features to be added. This would included an option for the OpenCL implmentation (see Suggestion 4) of Data Encryption. The other white space would include the numeric read-outs TOTALS from the drive-specific Caches. (Total Allocated, Total Read/Cached Read, Hit Ratio, IO's, Write Bytes, All that jazz). A side feature to this would be an indexing system like that used by large databases (Bitmap Index) indicating dirty bits/bytes in the cache. These numbers could go into yet another smaller readout to help with manual cache tuning.

3: Separate Process Handler
This suggestion is a side-project of sorts. This would handle the first two suggestions so that the file service currently used wouldnt get bogged down with large data loads. Separate processes can allocate their own resources and provides for some failover for process failure and said ramifications (cache-poisoning, data loss). This may also bleed into a Log-Writer and File-Writer of sorts for each file

4: OpenCL implementation (Where applicable)
This feature is to use an instance(s) of OpenCL to hash the values of the Data in the cache repeatedly to prevent data corruption. Since GPU's (OpenCL or otherwise parallel processing not including aSMP) are becoming more commonplace this isnt a bad suggestion. Even a large, lo/no collision single hashing algorithm (single SHA-224 hash, minimum; MDxx hashes have to many collisions allowing for malicious cache poisoning) isnt hard to implement. The first bits of the hash could be shown in the "Persistent Data Retention" form and controlled by the Separate Process Handler.
Basic form mockup
Basic form mockup
Persistent Data Readout.jpg (156.74 KiB) Viewed 4599 times
Last edited by cenreyn79 on Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: New Feature(s) Request

Post by cenreyn79 »

A few links to consider and flesh what im thinking in my head.

Lightweight SQL database which doesn't require installation ... stallation
- This is for the separate process and index implementation

Using Oracle In-Memory Database Cache to Accelerate the Oracle Database ... 130299.pdf
- Another amazing resource with a few features not listed in my OP
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Re: New Feature(s) Request

Post by dustyny »

Here is the thread where users have been submitting their requests.
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Re: New Feature(s) Request

Post by cenreyn79 »

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